Sunday 25 October 2015



Well, sadly our time together is drawing to a close. The last piece of this puzzle was to create a vlog based on our blog...huh, sounds cool to say.

The whole premise of our blog was to explore the different cultures in which we were all from, purely as a result of the diversity of our group. After we finished our individual cultural food reviews, we decided to finish off with, rather than showing whats different about our join in unison and experience a culture none of us were familiar with. The purpose of this? To, rather than showing pictures of what we were all eating, actually be there together and experience something different. 
Nick, Lucas, Melanie, Malika and Raissa all played an equal an integral role in organising, planning  and developing ideas for the blog and video. 
On the day each of us played an equal role in the filming. 
Based on the comfort level of everyone's editing and internet, Nick decided to do the editing and uploading.

We at the international foods team, hope you enjoyed your time reading this blog and viewing the video. 

- Nick, Raissa, Malika, Melanie & Lucas : international foods  

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