Saturday 26 September 2015

Chinese Food Review 1: Bakkwa

Cuisine: Chinese
Category: Delicacy
Name: Bakkwa 
Where to get it: Around Sydney it can be quite hard to spot, though usually found in some asian groceries and restaurants especially around January-February.

Bakkwa is a Chinese Delicacy consisting of a salty-sweet dried meat similar to jerky. They are extremely popular among the asian community especially around Chinese new year which occurs during the month of February. It is made with either beef, chicken or pork along with spices, sugar, salt and soy sauce. Other additional ingredients to alter the delicacy include fish sauce, rice wine, honey, vegetable oil and sesame oil. 

The process of making the Bakkwa starts out with mixing all of the ingredients in a large mixing bowl into an oily mince-line form, the mix is then left to marinate overnight and then flattened on square baking paper to a thickness around 3-5mm. These squares are then dried out in an oven, cut out into smaller square sheets and then properly cooked/darkened/caramelised on a charcoal BBQ.

When it comes to eating the Bakkwa, the appearance can vary depending on the ratios of each ingredient as well as the specific cooking methods used, although generally they are a deep maroon type red i suppose with a glossy surface usually with mildly caramelised edges or spots.
The flavour of the meat is salty similar to jerky but much sweeter and smokier in flavour due to the rich sugar content and charcoal BBQ. It's texture is soft and sticky but crunchier around the edges due to caramelisation of the sugar. 

All in all i found eating Bakkwa to be a delicious experience with it's stimulating flavours, appearance, smell and texture.

Although personally i don't know if the delicacy will cater to everyone's taste (sorry vegetarians), it's definitely one of those 'must try before you die' foods.

Picture were taken at home on my iPhone :)

- Lucas

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